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Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch

Indoor Fiber Optic Cable

Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch
Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch
Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch
Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch

Mohala o habeli oa helix o nang le 4-core optical branch

E sebelisoa maemong a phetisetso ea data e hlokang bokhoni bo phahameng le bandwidth, joalo ka litsi tsa data, meaho ea likhokahano, le marang-rang a likhoebo. E ka fana ka phetiso ea matšoao e tšepahalang le khokahano e sebetsang ea marang-rang.

  1. Lihlomo tse habeli tsa spiral
  2. Khanyetso e ntle ea tensile
  3. Bokhoni bo matla ba ho mamella khatello ea maikutlo


    Double-helical armored 4-core branch optical cable ke thapo e khethehileng ea optical e sebelisoang bakeng sa puisano ea optical fiber le litsamaiso tsa marang-rang. Moralo le sebopeho sa eona li etsa hore e be le litšobotsi tse ikhethang le tšebeliso ea phetiso ea data le likhokahano tsa marang-rang. Mofuta ona oa thapo ea optical hangata o sebelisoa maemong a phetisetso ea data e hlokang bokhoni bo phahameng le bandwidth, joalo ka litsi tsa data, meaho ea puisano, le marang-rang a likhoebo. E ka fana ka phetiso ea matšoao e tšepahalang le likhokahano tse sebetsang hantle tsa marang-rang. Ka lebitso la "helical" e nang le lihlomo tse peli tsa "helical 4-core optical cable", "lihlomo tse peli tsa helical" li bolela mohaho o sireletsang ka ntle oa mohala oa optical. E amohela moralo oa lihlomo tse habeli. Sebopeho sena sa lihlomo se ka sireletsa ka katleho fiber ea optical ka har'a mohala oa optical, e etsa hore e be le khatello e ntle ea khatello le khatello ea khatello, kahoo e tiisa botsitso le ho tšepahala ha fiber ea optical libakeng tse rarahaneng. "4-core branch" e bolela hore thapo ena ea optical e na le likhoele tse 4 tsa optical mme e ka hlophisoa hore e hokahane le lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa terminal.

    微信截图_20231226225849.png Moqapi ona o fana ka boiketlo bakeng sa litsi tsa data le meralo ea marang-rang, e ka hlophisa ka katleho le ho laola optical cable cabling, le ho finyella litlhoko tsa ho hokahanya libakeng tse rarahaneng tsa marang-rang. Mohala o habeli oa "helical armored" 4-core optical branch o na le melemo le likarolo tse ngata maemong a 'nete a ts'ebeliso. Ntlha ea pele, sebopeho sa eona sa ka ntle sa lihlomo se ka sireletsa ka katleho fiber ea optical ka hare ho cable ea optical, e lumellang mohala oa optical hore o sebetse maemong a thata a tikoloho mme o be le moaparo o matla le ho hanyetsa kutu. Taba ea bobeli, moralo oa lekala oa 4-core o etsa hore likhoele tsa optical li hokahane le lisebelisoa tse ngata ka nako e le 'ngoe, ho hlokomela kabo ea data le taolo e bohareng, le ho ntlafatsa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le scalability ea marang-rang a marang-rang. Ho phaella moo, mohala o nang le li-helical tse peli tsa 4-core optical branch o boetse o na le ts'ebetso e babatsehang ea phetisetso 'me e ka tšehetsa phetiso ea data e potlakileng le sephethephethe sa marang-rang se seholo, ho netefatsa botsitso le ho tšepahala ha phetiso ea data. Nakong ea ts'ebetso ea 'nete ea ho kenya le ho tsamaisa, lithapo tse peli tsa helical tse nang le li-4-core optical tsa lekala hangata li hloka hore li-installer tsa optical cable li sebetse. Ka ho rera ka mokhoa o utloahalang le lithapo, ba hokahanya likhoele tsa optical ho lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa ho qetela, 'me ba etsa mosebetsi o motle oa ho sireletsa le ho laola lithapo tsa optical ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e sebetsang ea tsamaiso eohle. Ka kakaretso, mohala o nang le li-helical tse peli tsa 4-core optical branch ke sehlahisoa sa optical cable se nang le mohaho o khethehileng le ts'ebetso e babatsehang. E phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho phetiso ea data e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng le libaka tse rarahaneng tsa marang-rang. Moralo oa eona le litšoaneleho tsa eona li etsa hore e be karolo ea bohlokoa ea mekhoa ea sejoale-joale ea puisano le marang-rang, e khonang ho fa basebelisi phetiso ea data e tšepahalang le e sebetsang hantle le lits'ebeletso tsa khokahano ea marang-rang.

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