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Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable

Fiber Optic Cable

Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable
Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable
Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable
Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable

Mini double sheath single core armored optical cable

Mini double-sheathed single-core armored optical cable ke sehlahisoa sa fiber optical se sebetsang hantle se sebelisetsoang ho fetisa mats'oao a mahlo. E amohela moralo o tsoetseng pele oa li-sheath tse peli le theknoloji ea lihlomo tsa mantlha, 'me e na le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea ho thibela tšitiso le ho tšoarella.

  1. Anti-extrusion
  2. e tšoarellang
  3. ha e kenele metsi
  4. Anti-corrosion


    Mini double-sheathed single-core armored optical cable ke sehlahisoa sa fiber optical se sebetsang hantle se sebelisetsoang ho fetisa mats'oao a mahlo. E amohela moralo o tsoetseng pele oa li-sheath tse peli le theknoloji ea lihlomo tsa mantlha, 'me e na le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea ho thibela tšitiso le ho tšoarella. Sengoliloeng sena se tla hlahisa litšobotsi tsa sebopeho, melemo le likarolo tsa ts'ebeliso ea mohala ona oa optical. Taba ea pele, a re utloisiseng litšobotsi tsa sebopeho sa thapo ea optical mini-sheathed single-core armored optical cable. Mohala oa optical o nka moralo o habeli oa sheath. Sekhahla sa ka ntle se fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng, 'me lesela le ka hare le sebelisetsoa ho sireletsa fiber ea optical le ho fokotsa tšitiso nakong ea phetisetso. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ka theknoloji e le 'ngoe ea lihlomo tsa lihlomo, karolo ea mantlha ea cable ea optical e sirelelitsoe ka katleho, ho ntlafatsa matla a thata le ho hanyetsa khatello ea mohala oa optical. Moralo ona oa sebopeho o thusa thapo ea optical ea mini-sheathed single-core armored optical hore e fetise mats'oao a mahlo libakeng tse fapaneng tse thata. Taba ea bobeli, thapo ea optical ea mini-sheathed single-core armored optical e na le melemo e meng e hlakileng. Ntlha ea pele, moqapi oa li-sheath tse peli ka katleho o fokotsa tšusumetso ea ho kena-kenana le kantle ho phetiso ea optical signal le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba phetisetso le botsitso ba cable ea optical. Taba ea bobeli, tšebeliso ea thekenoloji ea lihlomo tse le 'ngoe e etsa hore ts'ebetso ea mochini oa thapo ea optical e ts'epahalle ebile e tšoarelle ka nako e telele. Matla a tsitsipano le ho hanyetsa khatello; ho feta moo, moralo oa boholo bo nyane o etsa hore thapo ea optical e be bonolo haholoanyane, e be bonolo ho e kenya le ho e hlokomela, 'me e ka tsamaisoa habonolo libakeng tse ling tse rarahaneng le tse moqotetsane. Mini-sheathed single-core armored optical cable e na le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso lits'ebetsong tse sebetsang.


    Pele ho tsohle, hangata e sebelisoa litsing tsa data, marang-rang a likhoebo, ho lekola ts'ireletso le likarolo tse ling, ho fana ka ts'ehetso e tšepahalang ea botekgeniki bakeng sa phetiso ea data e potlakileng le e tsitsitseng masimong ana; ea bobeli, mohala ona oa optical o boetse o loketse kaho le tlhokomelo ea liteishene tsa motheo tsa puisano, 'me o ka sebelisoa ka hare le ka ntle Finyella phetiso e tšepahalang ea matšoao a optical libakeng tse sa tšoaneng tse rarahaneng. Ka nts'etsopele e potlakileng ea mahlale a puisano a moloko o mocha joalo ka 5G le Marang-rang a Lintho, lithapo tse nyane tse sirelelitsoeng habeli tsa konokono li tla sebelisoa haholo nakong e tlang. Pele ho tsohle, ho khothaletsoa ha marang-rang a 5G ho tla fana ka litlhoko tse phahameng tsa lisebelisoa tsa optical tse nang le litekanyetso tse phahameng tsa phetisetso le li-bandwidth tse kholo tsa phetisetso. Lithapo tsa optical tse hahelletsoeng habeli tse nang le konokono e le 'ngoe e tla ba khetho e nepahetseng tšimong ena; ea bobeli, kahong ea metse e bohlale le matlo a bohlale, Likarolong tse ling, tlhokahalo ea phetisetso e kholo ea data e tla boela e tsoele pele ho eketseha. Mini-sheathed single-core armored optical cable e tla ba le tebello e pharaletseng ea ts'ebeliso libakeng tsena. Ka kakaretso, thapo ea optical ea mini-sheathed single-core armored optical e na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea anti-interference le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ea phetisetso. Ke sehlahisoa sa fiber optical se sebetsang hantle se nang le menyetla e mengata ea ts'ebeliso. Ka tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele ea theknoloji ea puisano, mohala ona oa optical ka sebele o tla phetha karolo ea bohlokoa masimong a mangata.

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